Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bridgers Day in Court

Well apparently there was a civil trial last week for Mr. Bridgers. According to the article in the Shelbyville News, the court gave Bridgers and the Shelby County Plan Commission's attorney, Brady Rife, an additional 30 days to file any relevant paperwork before ruling on the case.

Is there any wonder people avoid the court system? What has it been now since all of this came to light a year least he's unable to scam anyone while he's serving his year for tax evasion.

Bridgers Gets Day in Court

Saturday, May 3, 2008

No News

I've been checking to see if the "final pretrail hearing" for April 23, 2008 actually happened and there has been nothing posted about it. So ladies I don't know.

What I do know from the newspaper articles he serving a "one-year prison term for tax evasion and has said he would represent himself in the upcoming civil trial".

The website is also down, but to be honest I'm guessing it's because he couldn't afford to pay for the server any longer.

We can only keep our fingers crossed that the Indiana Attorney General's office is going to come through and proceed with their case against him on our behalf.